

  1. i love your style, i plan on using
    your style to make a Hello Kitty tshirt
    quilt (don't gag) with an evil twist.
    thanks for the inspiration

    Melody in Texas

  2. Hello!
    My name is Taikii. I work as the art director of creative collective, called Blackball Universe, located at Jack London Square, in Oakland.

    I am contacting you because,as the curator of the gallery, I`ve been looking for possible artists to feature with our gallery.
    Then, I say your brilliant quilt work at Guerrero gallery caught my attention.
    I know a show at Guerrero gallery runs until October 1st, and I`d like to ask you if you have any possibility/interest doing show with us from October 5th to 27th?
    We organize a group art exhibition every month.

    Anyways, If this interesting to you, please contact me at blackballuniverse.art@gmail


  3. Endlessly impressed and inspired by your work.
